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PON Picnic - July 2013

In July the PLSC held a PON Picnic with fun PON Classes, in conjunction with Barking Mad Ringcraft’s Companion Dog Show.

It was during the lovely warm summer we had this year, although the day we picked was not blessed with such weather! It was cold and rather gloomy. But as we British do, we ignored the weather and had a great time anyway!! Folk turned up with their families & dogs and joined in the fun. One family came from Scotland, and had come along especially just to see if this was the breed for them. After they’d spent a few hours in the company of our dogs, even borrowing one or two to take for a walk, they were of the opinion that the Polish Lowland was indeed the breed for them.

The fun classes were judged by Andy Forman, and long coats, short coats they all joined in. A big thank you to Barking Mad Ringcraft for inviting us to share their day - we all had a great time. Below are a selection of photographs from the day...

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Road Testing the PON!

Best Puppy was Nikki with Wooki

Lovely doggy goody bags were made by Lucy Mottram & Rosettes were donated by Jane & Brian Lindley

The winners were Freddie on the right & Bella on the left with Judge Andy Forman

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